Dearly Beloved in Christ,

The time and space around us are changing rapidly. In this post covid era, we have seen many changes in our lifestyle also. The days will go by, and things surrounding us will change but our faith in God should never change or diminish. I praise and thank God for the way in which He has led the parish thus far. Our lives are full of graced moments. Let us continue journeying with Christ Our Lord and perfecter of all things. Our church should be an inspirational place where you can enrich your Christian life, and explore and grow in faith. The faith of our Parish community today is sustained through the experience of many humble and faith-filled witnesses who, through their generosity, shine a light in many different ways.

As a parish we could experience God’s manifold blessings and providence. Our long-cherished dream of acquiring a property for parsonage was fulfilled by His grace and with the faithful cooperation of all the members.  The Annual general body meeting that met on May 29, 2022 had decided to purchase a parsonage. A parsonage subcommittee was formed to implement the project. By the grace of God, we could identify a property and pay the advance on January 18, 2023 and the registration was done on May 22, 2023. The dedication was done on May 28, 2023 by our Diocesan Bishop Rt. Rev. Dr. Joseph Mar Barnabas Suffragan Metropolitan. The parsonage subcommittee under the leadership of Mr. Kuruvilla Isac and Mr. P C Thomas along with the subcommittee members took tremendous effort in raising the funds for the project. Thanks to one and all for your wholehearted support and generous contributions. I believe that this was the Lord’s doing and once again it helped us to rely completely on God for whom nothing is impossible.  

I appreciate the office bearers and executive committee members of 2022-23 who had earnestly worked hard to keep the parish functioning in a proper manner. The commitment of each individual is significant in the promotion of Gospel and to keep up the spirit in upholding the Christian values. I wish the new office bearers and Executive committee members the very best as they serve the parish in various capacities.

We as a parish will be celebrating our 12th Parish Day on July 9th, 2023. We will be having our Parish Convention at 6:30 pm on July 7th and 8th followed by Parish Day celebrations on Sunday July 9th, 2023 at 8 am. Rev. Linvin C. Thomas, Vicar of Christos Mar Thoma Church, Punchakkiri will be the speaker for the parish convention and Very Rev. Mathew John, Vicar General of Kottayam – Kochi Diocese will be the chief guest for our parish day celebration. The programme will begin with Holy Communion Service at 8:00 am followed by Parish Day program. Special offertory will be taken during the parish day.  The amount received will be used for repaying the loan borrowed for parsonage purchase. I request your prayerful participation in the convention and Parish Day thanksgiving service.

Our country is celebrating its 76 th  Year of Independence on August 15, 2023. Independence Day is a day to pay tribute and remember all the freedom fighters who fought for the Independence of the country. On August 15, 1947, India was declared independent from the British colonialism of more than 200 years. The struggle for freedom of India from British rule lasted for over 90 years from 1857 to 1947, witnessing the sacrifices of many brave hearts who laid down their lives for the freedom of their country and people. The Independence Day celebration is marked throughout the country with Indian flag- hoisting ceremonies, drills, and the singing of the Indian National Anthem.  Every free nation of the world has its own flag. It is a symbol of a free country. But unfortunately, we see a lot of struggles and atrocities happening around in our country in the name of religion, caste, creed and colour. As responsible citizens what is our response? Our reactions and responses are quite often late and lack intensity. We Christians whilst remembering that our citizenship lies above (Philippians 3:20) ought not to forget to pray continuously also for the welfare of the Nation, where God in His sovereign wisdom has placed us here down below in this World (Jeremiah 29:7/1 Tim 2:1-5), besides honoring its National Flag.

Our loyalty for our homeland on Earth should be second only to that which we have reserved in our hearts for the One above.

If our testimony stands out, whatever be our age, we would always be green bearing fruit for the Master
(Psalms 92:14-15)

God Bless us all and God Bless our Country,
Rev. Varughese Philip (Sunny Achen)

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